Here's a reminder of the before. Lino was extremely yellowed and stained beyond cleaning.
Here's my idea of a cool bathroom floor...
This isn't my first self attempt a tiling a floor, but it's the first to add embelishments. I'm going for that discreet patterned look. Very subtle but will look stunning with black accents in the bathroom. I'm loving it! The walls are painted a warm taupe, nice and cheery yet offering warmth. It's the exact colour I was hoping for. (after only 4 other choices...)
Vic came by later sharing his latest crop pick from his garden (ohhhhh so awesome!) and I think was pleasantly surprised to see all my tile cutting riffraff littering the front driveway. Thanks Vic for the great eats and thumbs up!
And even Jeremy popped in to see the status of the drywall situation. I'm feelin' that dust soon to swirl in the air once again.. nothing like a cloudy cool day to bring in the troops to see what's up!
I'm watching the weather. It's suppose to get nice for the weekend, and if that's the case, Cody and I will dash up to the campsite for the last wekend before school starts. I'm still hoping we will do that!
However, I'm grateful for the cloudy day that hit yesterday. I'm happy with the continued progress of this floor! And for that future toilet we've missed!
Thanks Zach and Cody, for giving me a day to do my thing! And for a nice thick slice of Zach's first ever self baked chocolate cake. You gotta love when a neighbour brings scrumptious food along with him ...