I fee like I've been in a deep sleep for awhile in regards to the home renos.
Work has been too steady for me to cheat and sneak some time into the house. The weather's been too nice to not have 'one last blast' at the campsite. We were busy attempting to maintain a new routine with school and sports back in full force.
Pick any excuse you wish for yes, they are indeed excuses. This past weekend wasn't even suppose to be nice and I went to the campsite anyway for the weekend instead of tiling the bathroom floor... what does that tell you?!?
Ok, I do have to sneak off to the campsite at least one more night to fully winterize the trailer. I'm relying on a friend there to help me out utilizing his compressor so I'll try and time my jaunt with his schedule if possible...
But 'nuff about that! My work is nearly caught up to the point of being able to 'cheat' during the day and giving the house my time again. School is running nicely, homework is getting done, sports are organized and scheduled... and yes, the weather is too lousy to camp in. LOL
This week I'll order my kitchen. I'll order my appliances. I'll hack away at my floor. (and Deadline Vic is back... gasp... I need to get to work!!)
I'm going to do all these things. It's time for this beautiful home to finally imerge.
This Saturday a group is to come by and get some to-do's crossed off the long tiring list. I really appreciate the company! It's alot more fun working alongside others, I indeed admit!
And I have this sneaking suspicion, when we get going, it'll be hard to stop this time...