Completed projects:

roof, kitchen, master bedroom, main bathroom (sans shower tile), fireplace, hardwood flooring, windows, office, front entry, stairway

Ongoing projects:

shower surround, dapping/painting woodwork, ensuite vanity/lights/mirror, painting outdoor trim, finishing front entry tile work, interior door painting and hardware, decorating

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dining room progress ~ hardwood floors now complete!

This is my girl Jenna. And she has something to show you that transpired today. And she should know. She watched the whole thing.

The day started with the dining room floor in plywood mode. Jenna's nose is to the far right.

Awesome Volunteer Floor Guy Ron came today to put the finishing touches on that very room. Just... awesome! He's fast, meticulous, appreciates and drinks good coffee (but just not today) and is just a really nice guy. Ever Present Jenna thinks so too.

Tadaaaaa! My stuff can go back! I can eat over top a real floor now!

The place mats I like to use are actually glass cutting boards.

This next picture is for those of you wishing you had gorgeous hardwood floors. Folks, I worked hard for them. What you'll see next is simply a picture of reality.

And just for fun.. today my mantle was ivory~chicken themed. The mini lights cast the most awesome candle lit glow in the evenings. Truth be told, I leave these on all day. They just bring warmth to the fireplace and room in general.

Oops. You did NOT see a cat on any kitchen island in this house. This is a figment of your imagination. Totally.
Anyway, the room has many finishing touches to come. Curtains, mouldings, area carpets, lights... The upstairs is now open floor plan and still appears abit cold without all the finishing touches in place but they will come soon! Cody's braces are first and I also need a lawn mower. Neither not so pretty but once again, just a little bit of reality.

For today, I am in love with ALL the flooring warming up this place! Thanks Ron, BIG!

Next up: I'm still working on the tile in the front entry. One day I may even finish it or something.